Membership payments DUE NOW! 

CBCC memberships expired on June 30, 2021. Membership cost for 2021-2022 is $25.  Players can purchase/renew a membership with cash or cheque through their drop-in group organizer or by e-transfer to Please ensure you provide your email address when you purchase your membership so that we can send you important updates regarding play (ie: tournament interruptions, public health updates, etc). Memberships are valid July 1 – June 30 each year. NEW Court Reserve on-line booking COMING SOON!CBCC is currently testing an on-line booking system called COURT RESERVE. Members will receive access to the on-line booking system as part of the membership fee. Non-members will have to pay an annual access fee in order to book courts. it is anticipated that COURT RESERVE will be implemented by September. Check the website for updates and announcements! Doubles play and organized groups have resumed.Group organizers should contact Tashin Gee at to reserve their court times.  Group participants should contact their group organizer to register.